Limited function in various parts of the body can be exceptionally frustrating and prevent you from enjoying the activities you love. At Back To You, we utilize functional massage therapy to work the musculature of a particular area, helping to promote more functionality and increase your range of motion. With our certified techniques and professional care, our clinicians will help you reach your unique goals and return to the quality of life you once had.
What Is A Functional Massage?
Functional massage is a highly beneficial technique that combines joint motion with massage to help treat a wide range of painful conditions and impairments. Our mission is to help every patient’s body unwind while restoring function, improving range of motion, and decreasing pain.
To help ensure you are receiving the most out of functional massage therapy, we work with you to understand your goals, needs, and the activities you love to engage in every day. In return, we can differentiate and directly target your source of pain, helping you to receive the most out of every session while actively reducing your discomfort.
The mobility and freedom of the spine are important. Be happy and comfortable in a pain-free body again. Contact us to schedule your functional massage therapy appointment today.